Wednesday, January 2, 2013

the beach

The beach is one of my favorite places.  Besides a hand-
full of people, the beach is what I miss most about living
in LA.  The kids had a great time playing in the sand. I
had a great time watching them.

space shuttle

We went to the California Science Center in LA to see
the space shuttle, Endeavor.  It was by far one of the 
coolest things I've ever seen.  These pictures don't really
do it justice.  If you can see it in person, I would highly
recommend it.
If you look closely, you can see me and the kids and
Gma and Gpa.  I'm wearing orange.
The bottom is made up of these small square tiles.
If I hadn't been chasing around the kids I would
have had a chance to read about them.

Natural History Museum

We went to the Natural History Museum to check out
the dinosaurs.
This is actually at the science center. Luke and Grandma are
touching some things in the tide pools.
T-Rex head

Lego Land

We went to Lego Land.  Luke was feeling sick all
day and ended up having a fever.  We made the best
of it though and had some fun.  And I have no idea
why there is so much space in between these pictures.

Zoe was all set to ride in this Lego car...
...until the ride started and she cried 
and had to be removed from the ride.  
...after waiting 45 minutes in line. 
One of many awesome scenes from 
Star Wars recreated with Legos.
Testing one of the cars he built.

Holiday Bowl

We took a trip to Southern California just after Christmas. 
We headed to San Diego to watch UCLA in the holiday
 bowl.  They lost horribly but it was fun to be there.