Sunday, July 26, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa are here!

Well, since baby number 2 is taking her sweet time arriving, my parents decided to come visit us for a while once I was past my due date so they could be here to watch Luke once the baby finally decides to make her appearance.  I'm really glad they are here since I don't have to worry about Luke once the big moment happens.  And Luke is having a blast with them, of course.  We've already been to a concert at the park, out to our favorite hamburger joint, the park down the street and swimming, and they've only been here for just over a day so far!  They are helping around the house, too, which is great, and they are taking care of Luke when he wakes up so I can stay in bed for a while.  It's not so bad playing the waiting game with mom and dad around!  XO

Luke loves to skinny dip.

My dad takes the camera EVERYWHERE.  
You can tell we were more interested in eating than posing for the camera.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

40 weeks and counting!

Well, I'm now officially 40 weeks pregnant and still no baby. I went to the doctor today and she said the most she'd let me go is 10 more days!!! I said, "WHAT?!" She scheduled me to be induced next Thursday but thinks I'll deliver before then. Let's hope so. Little Lady Langley needs to make her debut soon! Here are a few pics of the belly over the last 40 weeks.

20 weeks

24 weeks

26 weeks

32 weeks

34 weeks

37 weeks

40 weeks

Family Photos

When we were in Arizona back in May, we met up with our friends, Dave and Summer Aupperle and their adorable one year old daughter, Taylor. Summer and I used to teach at the same elementary school in Manhattan Beach. She and Dave are awesome photographers, and we had them take some pregnancy pictures of us when I was pregnant with Luke. Since they moved to Gilbert, AZ, we thought we'd get together with them while we were in Scottsdale and have them take some pics of us again, only now as an almost family of four. Summer did such a great job and we are so thankful to have these great moments caught on film forever. Here is a brief sampling of the photos. Check out the Aupperle photography website at: