Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dino Faire!

I read about this cool sounding place in Rocklin called Star Eco-Station in a local parenting magazine.  They rescue animals and take care of them and this weekend they were having a Dinosaur Faire.  Since this sounded right up Luke's alley, I ordered tickets and we went.  

The Eco-Station has lots of turtles and snakes and iguanas, and dragon looking lizards, and birds and fish and some insects (hairy tarantulas) and bugs, too.  We got to walk around to see the animals and there were additional activities and crafts for the kids that were all about dinosaurs.  Then there was a show with "Dino-Man", who talked all about how cool it is to be a scientist.
Luke dug for dinosaur eggs.
Then he smashed it making sure to wear his protective glasses.
Just like a paleontologist, he brushed away the debris with a soft brush.
Checking out the fish.
I was surprised that Luke touched this python!  I even touched it.  She was squishy.
Luke took his new camera from Santa to document the day.
Waiting for Dino Man.
Dino Man blew up these huge dinosaur balloons at the end of his presentation.
We finished off the morning at The Habit, our newest favorite burger joint.

More catching up

Here are some more pictures from the last few months...
Zoe playing cars at a cool park near us.
Our Xmas tree.
Luke at school eating his sugar cone xmas tree.
Santa came to school and gave Luke a book!
Luke shaking his bells during the Xmas program.
Zoe got a new shopping cart from Grandma and Grandpa!
Oooh, a purse!
Luke's new trains.
Santa brought Zoe a car.
We flipped Luke's bed over since he's a big boy.
Our lemon tree produced a zillion lemons this year.

Catching up

It's been awhile since I've posted....I've had some trouble getting my photos on to Blogger and then the holidays came with their busy-ness and now I'm finally catching up.  Here are some photos of some fun we've had in the last few months.

We went to apple hill to pick apples and found some alpacas to feed.
Train ride at the zoo
Practicing for the Thanksgiving program at school.
Cute pic
Feeding the ducks.
Luke's first real hot chocolate from Starbucks!