Monday, March 5, 2012

Snow morning

We finally had a decent winter storm so we took the kids up the road to our favorite little snow area for a morning of sleds and playtime.
Zoe's snow angel.
Lots of snowballs were thrown.
Luke and Travis are out there on a sled.
What's a trip to the snow without a stop at In & Out on the way home?

Long time no blog...

Sorry for the delay in posts.  I'm a busy mom.  Here are some pics from the last few months to catch you up....

Santa brought Luke a science excavation kit.  He is trying to reveal hidden dinosaur bones.

Luke turned 5 in January.  We had two awesome birthday parties for him.

It was noisy.  Check out Zoe on the left.
Looking at pin the tail on the cheetah with his buddy.

Took a quick trip to the Folsom Zoo.  That's a bear right next to the window!

Back to being a paleontologist.  He's found a few bones so far.