Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Big Blue Fancy Car"

So I popped out kid number two and within days of being home from the hospital, Travis and I knew we needed a bigger car. After lots of research, (all by Travis) we settled on the Honda Odyssey. I love it. It is SO much easier to get the kids in and out of the car, and there is way more room for all of our stuff. Plus, when we have visitors, we can all fit in one car whenever we go out. Luke thinks the car is super cool and distinguishes it from our other car by calling it the "Big, blue, fancy car". Now Travis is stuck driving the small, green, old, beat up car.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Four Weeks Old!

Zoe was four weeks old yesterday and she celebrated with a huge blow her diaper. I think we were pretty lucky to go four weeks without a major poop catastrophe, but she made up for it with this one! I'll spare you the details. This is a picture of a super cute outfit our friends the Taylors gave her. Very appropriate.

More Visitors!

Luke and Zoe are lucky to have so many grandparents and great-grandparents to visit and spoil them. This time, it was Grandma and Grandpa Langley visiting from San Diego. We had fun hanging out, going to the zoo, installing a new ceiling fan, and shopping for new shoes for Luke! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Great Grandpa Macedo!

My Grandpa Macedo came out to visit and to meet Zoe the other day. He also had some fun with Luke!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tiger Woods!

We were watching the PGA tournament this weekend and Luke noticed that the golfers were wearing one glove sometimes. He wanted to wear one, too. So Travis found one of his and Luke had fun playing in his own PGA tournament.

I know this picture is blurry...this is Luke doing Tiger's arm pump after a great shot!

Fun with the Lambs!

Our friends from LA, Bill, Shana, Keira, and Teagan, were in town this last weekend for a visit. We met them at the bowling alley one day and then we had them over to swim. It was great to see them and hang out like old times. Now we just need to get them to move here.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Auntie Leslie visits!

My younger sister came out from Ohio for a few days. My older sister Wendy and her husband Mike and their twin boys Josh and Nate also came out for a visit. We had a packed house, but it was lots of fun. Luke had a ball playing with his cousins and his Auntie "Sassy"...his nickname for Leslie.

Trip to the zoo!

To celebrate Zoe's one week birthday, we decided to take a trip to the zoo. Grandma, Luke, Zoe and I headed to the Folsom zoo last Wednesday and meet our friends Christine and Gabriella. Luke loved seeing all of the animals. Zoe loved sleeping through the whole trip.

Zoe meets Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Knobles!

My grandparents came out to visit for the day and to meet Zoe. It was great to see them. Unfortunately, when they left, so did my mom! She was here for two weeks and was such a HUGE help. I miss her.

Luke the artist!

Luke has been working hard at writing his name. He's also been having fun drawing with a real pencil. This is a picture he drew all by himself and then he signed it. What an artist!

Zoe's first real bath

Zoe's cord fell off so we got to give her a real bath last night. She never cried and seemed to really enjoy herself. But of course, after she was all dry and dressed and cute, she spit up all over herself. This kid goes through a lot of laundry!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Zoe is here!!

After 41 weeks, Zoe Elizabeth Langley finally made her world debut! Just like a girl to be fashionably late! We were scheduled to go to the hospital Wednesday morning to be induced, but we got a phone call that morning saying the hospital didn't have enough room for us. I was really upset because I was so uncomfortable and anxious to have the baby. I actually think I was in labor already and I don't think I would have lasted much longer. Thankfully, the hospital called later that morning and we were able to go in at 12:30. After getting all hooked up and dealing with all of the paperwork, my doctor broke my water at 2 PM. Zoe was born at 5:15 PM. She was 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. She was BIG! It all went very smoothly, though. I was able to get the pain relief I wanted, and after two big contractions and pushes, she was out, just like that. Here are some of the early pictures to enjoy...

At the hospital, before the big event.